Digital Transformation in Healthcare

July 05, 2024

Welcome to the dawn of a digital revolution in healthcare! Imagine a world where technology works hand-in-hand with healthcare professionals, enhancing their ability to diagnose, treat, and care for patients more effectively than ever before.

Unified Solution


Adoption of



for Training /



June 27, 2024

A smart training or induction program makes learning much more engaging, interactive, and inclusive. Such programs can cater to various learning styles—visual, auditory, read/write, and kinesthetic.

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Unified Solution



of Smart/Hybrid


June 15, 2024

A smart classroom makes learning much more engaging and far more interactive – above all, highly inclusive as it can cater to the students of different learning styles—visual, auditory, read/write, and kinesthetic

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Work (and do

more) from


March 29, 2024

Today, some 56% of the world’s population – roughly 4 out of 10 people – live in cities. But this percentage is projected to rise to nearly 70% by 2050. That is, every 7 out of 10 inhabitants will be living in urban centres by then! This projection may come true – as cities act as magnets, attracting people with opportunities across all aspects of life. But my hope is that technology could prove to be a disruptor. Imagine what would happen if technology can deliver the jobs of the cities – and city education and modern healthcare, to people in small towns and villages! It can slow or stall or even reverse urbanisation. Lower levels of urbanisation are associated with reduced mobility – limited or no mobility is better than green mobility.

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Enabling Schools/Colleges to Make the Most of Classroom Lectures: AstraPro + Ubicast

March 29, 2024

Educational institutions create value primarily through lectures. This hasn’t changed even as technological breakthroughs upend teacher-centric traditional systems of education. There is no smart classroom that has ever managed to replace a teacher so far. Lectures occupy a prime of place. Calendars of even the elite, digital-savvy institutions with global rankings continue to feature lectures prominently. In fact, good lectures serve as great digital marketing tools for institutions.

Rapid developments in audio/video technology is making lecture capturing and lecture reuse more and more feasible and effortless. A 2021 study published in an Indian journal (titled, Lecture Capture System: a Blessing in Disguise for Teaching and Learning Anatomy?) finds out that the recorded lectures help students in understanding the concepts better (as agreed by 76.83% of the survey participants). The study also finds that nearly 80% of the students watch the lectures online and a little over 60% believed that watching lectures online helped them recall the points that they had failed to understand in the class.

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A&T Wireless: Uncluttered Conference Spaces through Cost-Effective Audio/Video Solutions

February 05, 2024

What do you see when you visualize a conference room? Typically, a large polished oval table, surrounded by ergonomic chairs, adorned with microphones, notepads, and pens. And as for equipment, ceiling-mounted projector, a laptop on the desk, and a large LED display on one of the walls. Technology, like video conferencing equipment, are present for remote collaboration.

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Rain or Shine – or Snowfall, Tech Bestows Students of Drass with Uninterrupted Education

January 25, 2024

While winter may bring a welcome respite from the scorching heat in many parts of the largely tropical India, it can be quite harsh in its mountainous regions like Ladakh

Drass, a town and hill station in this district, is the second coldest inhabited place in the world (after Siberia), where the temperature drops to the bone-breaking low of -45℃. The long and dry winter, characterized by heavy snowfall, means frequent road closures that disrupt transportation. As a result, schools become out of bounds for students quite often.

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Our Tryst with Video Technologies”: Industries Share Their Experiences at A&T’s Roadshows

January 15, 2024

How industries from different sectors are using video conferencing solutions today?

What types of solutions do they have? How does technology help them collaborate? Is collaboration the only application or is there more to it? And what are the expectations of industries from the solution providers? A&T Video Networks’ roadshows offer a unique platform for the user industries to share their experiences and perspectives on these areas.

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A&T’s midas touch

January 05, 2024

Say ‘Bonjour’ to Nudgis, Ubicast, France’s Smart Video Platform with A&T’s One-Touch Recorder Solution

Educational institutions always know that recording the best lectures of their faculties makes sense, as lectures remain the most effective mode of teaching, even as digital and AI technologies flex muscles to upend traditional classrooms. Recent research indicates that, retention rates in a lecture is roughly 5% – but this increases to 35% when students review recorded lectures.

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A Global Vision Built on Local Talent

July 26, 2023

A&T Video Networks, a pioneer in the video conferencing sector, rides high on Make in India initiative with its modern ProAV factory in a tier III town in Tamil Nadu 

When A&T Video Networks set up a factory in Arasanoor, a tier III town in Sivaganga District, South Tamil Nadu, to manufacture Pro AV equipment, a few in the industry thought the venture would see the light of the day. In the highly-competitive and technology-intensive sector, where foreign brands command over 90% of the market share, local production was never considered feasible, mainly because critical components such as chipsets, sensors, lenses and electronic controls have to be sourced abroad. Even in the case of accessories the cost of locally made items is several times higher than the imported ones.

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The 3E Benefits that Video Collaboration Offers to Hospitals

June 01, 2023

As healthcare is becoming increasingly tech intensive, hospitals know too well that investing in medical technology is inevitable. They are always open to procure a latest scanner or a surgical robot. But when it comes to investing in telemedicine or online consultations, not all hospitals realise the huge potential it holds for improving healthcare delivery and brand image.

Let us consider how online consultations and surgery recordings work, the two immediate opportunities in the virtual healthcare delivery space. With online consultations, patients can book appointments, and have discussions on symptoms and medical history with specialists while doctors can effectively diagnose health issues and share their prescriptions. Surgery recordings too have improved the healthcare outcomes. With specialized recording equipment and technology, it is possible to record or live-stream high-quality video and audio of the surgical procedure. Most importantly, feed from existing surgical scopes like the endoscope or laparoscope can be integrated into the recording system. With two-way communication systems integrated, Surgeons can also receive real-time guidance from experts sitting elsewhere.

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A&T and UbiCast: Recasting Indian
Education the VARK way

April 20, 2023

Students learn better when teaching takes place in all possible modes – visual, auditory, read/write, and kinesthetic (involving simulations) – in short, VARK. From this perspective, the traditional classroom settings offer limited scope for learning, as they are primarily based on lectures, essentially, an auditory medium. This holds true especially for educational institutions in developing countries like India.

But with the advent of hybrid learning systems and ‘phygital’ classrooms, the delivery of education is fast undergoing a veritable transformation. Today, education can be the case of ‘everything, everywhere, and all at once’ – as lectures can go digital and can be enriched in multiple ways.

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Importance of LFH

March 15, 2023

Let’s explore the importance of having headphones for studies and language labs

Improved Sound Quality:

First and foremost, having the right headphones can help you hear and understand the nuances of different languages. A good set of headphones can make it easier to distinguish between subtle differences in pronunciation and intonation, making it easier to learn a language more quickly and accurately.

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Business Meetings that result in results

December 29, 2022

Trust me, I have done the research and here is what I’ve come up with on how to make your team meetings more efficient and effective.

Since business meetings are an integral part of your operations, making them effective should be one of your top priorities. In fact, it’s been said that most successful businesses would not be so successful without efficient team meetings. 

Meetings like All-hands, break-out chats, impromptu brainstorming sessions, interviews, team feedback sessions etc. are where important decisions are made. With high-end video conferences, all team members can interact one-on-one – irrespective of their location, ensuring equal participation and open dialogue.

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Four points to consider while implementing telemedicine

December 29, 2022

Video conferencing has been hailed as a potential game-changer for healthcare. It is important to realize, telemedicine should be viewed as an add-on rather than a replacement for face-to-face healthcare.

If you are interested in implementing a telemedicine setup, first you need to choose a video conferencing platform that is reliable and has good quality. There are many benefits of using video conferencing in telemedicine which include

  1. Healthcare coverage even in remote or rural areas
  2. Reduced travel time and costs
  3. Increased flexibility
  4. Improved communication
  5. Reduced risk of infection
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Customer Support

November 09, 2022

Video conferencing is not a new technology. It has been around for over a decade, and there are multiple solutions available with different features and functionality to meet the service needs of businesses.

However, for Video collaboration to be effective, great after-sales support is one of the most important factors to be considered. Once the user has a bad experience, it will create a feeling of reluctance to use VC.

Many organizations are ready to adopt VC products and solutions but consistent failure of the product or poor quality of video and audio can create resistance from the users.

Hence, while choosing a video conferencing equipment provider, check out the quality of their post-sales customer support.  There are many channels available to provide support – but the two that are gaining traction with the user community are:

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Video Conferencing Guide – Cameras

November 4, 2022

This article will help you decide the best video conferencing camera  or video conferencing equipment for your organization

Video Conferencing equipment offers many benefits to almost all kinds of organizations.  Whether you’re an educational institute, an enterprise, a hospital, or even a manufacturing plant, deploying video conferencing can lead to many benefits including saving time and money.

One of the most important components is the VC camera.  In the interest of keeping the article short, I am not giving full details – you can reach out to [email protected] for further details.  You can also visit for more information

So, what is the best video conferencing camera for you?

  • Room size – There are different cameras for each type of room
  • Usage – cameras are designed for specific purposes
  • Budget
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AT to present made in India VC products at Infocomm India 2022

September 01, 2022

The location: The world’s second coldest inhabited place. Altitude: 3300m Temperature: -30c.

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Government School Drass Case Study

June 22, 2022

A School That Stands Out Like A Giant

The Govt. school in Drass operates in the harshest of climates in the country.  Located in the second coldest inhabited place in the world, the school struggles against all odds to provide high quality education to children in the area.

With more than 500 students and 15 teachers, the school is making significant strides towards uplifting society in possibly the most difficult environments in the country.  It is contributions from such institutes that make us proud to be Indians and a part of this journey to a better life for all.

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Micro-focused Learning

May 25, 2022

What is micro content

Since time immemorial, entrepreneurs have used the famed “elevator pitch” to seek funding from busy investors.  That is the original micro-content – presenting your entire company, product, service, philosophy, vision and route to success in 30 seconds!

To quote user experience expert Jakob Nielsen: “micro content is a small group of words which can be skimmed by the reader to understand the wider message of the article.” Truly effective micro content should deliver stand-alone information even when removed from its original content.

It’s a known fact that students absorb better when focusing on a specific topic.  The average student absorbs not more than 50% of a long online lecture. With too many distractions, students can easily miss out on important points being made by the educator.

And so, this is where our hero enters the stage – micro content

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Great Video Collaboration Experiences – A Quick Guide


January 20, 2022

A new passion “Technology”

Is digital transformation video collaboration apt for all kind of business?

The “new normal” has taught us a lot in terms of dealing with digital technology.  One of the most important lessons is to realise the most appropriate digital transformation for your organisation. For some, it is a case of digitizing employee and customer engagement, for others it includes innovation in user experience – the list of possibilities are endless.  But video collaboration has become one of the fastest growing transformations over the past 2 years.

Across enterprise size, domain and geographical spread, the need for an integrated communication system has been felt like never before.  Enterprises are in the process of reinventing the operations so that it shakes hands with AV technology.

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